The Aviation Ecosystem
Unifying Your Systems In Real-Time

Introducing REACH ® Aero Day Of Operations – a powerful, holistic and flexible ecosystem of integrated aviation solutions. A revolutionary and cost-effective way for your mid-size fleet to acquire the operational tools and capacities of a major airline.

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World-First Aviation Ecosystem for Mid-Tier Operators:
How It Works

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When you’re truly in command of your operations, things run smoother, KPIs are reached sooner, emergent issues don’t get out of control, and staff morale improves. Having the right information available to support the decision-making that leads to this ideal state, that’s the key.

This is where SkyNet REACH® Aero Day of Operations comes in.

REACH® Modules

There are 8 major aspects of aviation operations under the REACH® Aero Day Of Operations umbrella:

Flight Monitoring

See where all your aircraft are at all times. With position reporting resolution as low as 1 second, REACH Aero flight monitoring is no longer a single source. Instead, it fuses data from ADS-B, MLAT, satellite, cellular, ACARS and other sources so you can see precisely where every aircraft in your fleet is at any moment. Further, all this flight-following data is captured for later use in powerful business analytics insights.

Flight Scheduling, Crewing and Rostering

SkyNet REACH can supply data to and incorporate feeds from most scheduling, crewing and rostering systems, including the industry leaders. It also maintains an IATA Data Exchange Platform API (AIDX) to allow deeper cross-application data sharing. With Skynet REACH Scheduling Manager, you have a choice of automated or manual scheduling with Auto Tactical Scheduling linked to ATC Flight Plan information.

Flight Dispatch

A flight dispatcher assists in planning flights, taking into account all factors around aircraft performance, cargo, weather forecasts, airspace laws and airport conditions. Powerful applications linked to Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) offer instant routing advice and messaging for the crew. Simply, flight route optimisation is an invaluable tool for saving fuel and other costs.

Critical Weather

Ever-changing, never 100-per cent predictable and always a factor, every fleet operations manager is constantly watchful for what the flying conditions mean for schedules, costs and safety. Through integrating, incorporating and overlaying observations and forecasts from the world’s foremost aviation weather services, REACH Aero Day Of Operations makes maintaining a “weather eye” easier than ever before.

Fleet Management Business Analytics

Unlock powerful insights into the cost centres and profit levers that truly underlie your fleet. Live analytics and meaningful statistical reports on operational reliability, availability of equipment and consumption of resources.

On-Time Performance (OTP) & Turn Around Reporting (TAR)

REACH gives you a rich overview of the live events developing across your fleet and helps you eliminate or reduce the time it takes to rectify issues. Understanding the activities and systemic problems in your On-Time Performance (OTP) and Turn Around Reporting (TAR) is crucial for schedule recovery. Post-flight historical data includes data-driven insights into both. This analysis will give you actionable insights into where you can improve.

Flight Information Display System (FIDS)

A system that automatically monitors, stores and reports on the interlocking status of your fleet, processes, systems and crewing considerations. No longer are FIDS displays a passenger terminal general board; these are now highly focused internal systems, including real-time integrated OTP and more. FIDS starts working even before the flight departure and is always ready to display the pushback and departure as well as updating en route status. Operational FIDS is a powerful real-time data management system that generates a tactical and tailored data stream to each team and department involved in getting an aircraft turned around and back in the air.

Engineering Planning Support

Aircraft are complex machines. Maximising their performance, availability, reliability and safety means anticipating, accommodating and analysing the engineering support needs of every aircraft in the fleet – especially as they evolve and change according to where the aircraft is, where it’s scheduled to fly and when it will be there. Each maintenance and repair organisation (MRO) application needs to convey the status of each aircraft and also keep track of critical hours and cycle consumption. REACH Aero Day Of Operations lets you integrate and coordinate aircraft movements with the engineering support application all at the same time while keeping your MRO platform up to date in real-time.

“Once you start using it, you won’t know how you lived without it.”

– Jon Davis, Skynet Aviation CEO

A Solution That Makes Your Ops Systems Work Together

The problems of efficiency, effectiveness and growth for mid-tier fleet operations are persistent, difficult and frustrating. That’s why we’ve spent 20 years working on solving them. And with the REACH Aero Day Of Operations ecosystem, we have finally been able to bring all our solutions together into one answer.

Our REACH Aero Day Of Operations is something revolutionary: an interlocking data ecosystem that integrates your current systems with best-in-breed partner solutions and live aircraft tracking. It covers every aspect of efficiently, safely, and effectively operating fleets of all shapes and sizes. And does it in real-time.

Through its flexibility, scalability and customisability, REACH Aero Day Of Operations removes the pain points of introducing new operation management technologies.

We’re able to quickly integrate and boost the efficiency of your current systems and processes; our ecosystem also offers in-built partnerships with industry-leading specialist applications.

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Add Powerful Data Insights to Your Reach Day of Operations Implementation

For your air fleet, can you access and analyse the crucial data feeds in a straightforward, powerful and reliable way? Sadly, for almost all aviation operators, the answer has been no. The good news: with SkyNet Aviation, the answer can be yes!

With REACH Analytics – a standalone module for our world-leading REACH Day Of Operations platform – SkyNet Aviation can enable a truly holistic data environment for your operations.

Our dedicated in-house team of software and data engineers is here to help you unlock the power of your data. Every modern mid-tier aviation operator is already generating masses of data. Within those thousands of megabytes are invaluable insights for driving your operational efficiency, effectiveness and safety. They’re hard to extract, but they’re there. REACH Analytics is here to help you dig them out.


What Reach Analytics Offers You

There are 8 major aspects of aviation operations under the REACH® Aero Day Of Operations umbrella:

Cut across the silos

Derive insights from a high-resolution 360-degree view of your operations by cutting across any departmental silos to intercept and work from the raw data

Integrated reporting

Secure a “single source of truth” by pulling relevant data from anywhere in your systems, including network drives, cloud accounts, email inboxes, file directories and different user accounts

Simplified analytics

Because REACH Analytics is deeply configurable, we can implement almost any statistical tool you need to crunch down thousands of data points into accurate, clear and powerful metrics

Empowered management

By giving the best possible picture of how your organisation is functioning, REACH Analytics gives your managers the confidence to make better decisions faster

Constantly improving accuracy

Your business is a dynamic system, so when REACH Analytics insights are applied, your business will react, shift and change. This is why our analytical approaches continually adapt to stay maximally relevant

Bringing everyone on board

REACH Analytics can generate tailored reports that are useful, interesting or relevant to line staff, regulators, suppliers, investors and even the public

Data Warehousing

Modern aviation generates a near limitless amount of data. Gigabytes upon gigabytes flow from the aircraft, associated support software, flight operations platforms and the management systems that power the aviation organisation itself. Effectively and efficiently capturing it all and then bringing it together in one accessible, coherent and secure repository is a specialist IT task.

Doing just this, via SkyNet Data Warehousing, is an integral back-end function that powers REACH Day Of Operations. This valuable resource is also now available to REACH users. You can see every digital facet of your operations and be assured everything is tracked, captured and stored securely in an easily accessible form.

Business Intelligence

The REACH Business Analytics module makes your data proactive. Through statistical insights and modelling your data is transformed into an advanced strategic management tool.

The module lets you detect and identify the positive and negative operational dynamics at play in your organisation that are otherwise obscured by the day-to-day task load of simply keeping your fleet in the air safely and profitably.

You can finally reveal the true cause and effect of your profit centres, time delays and bottlenecks, and then track the data trail from its source right through to all downstream effects.

Hybrid Data Fusion

Integrating the Leading Sources of Aircraft Positioning into One Data Stream







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“We know Flight Data Fusion: we invented it.”

– Jon Davis, Skynet Aviation CEO

API Integrations

Understanding What SkyNet Data Integration Means for Your Business:

Improved Automation

Reduced Manual Data Entry

Improved Operational Oversight

Faster And Better Decision Making

Increased Data Accuracy

In effect, Data Integration covers two aspects:

  1. Automating business applications that currently need manual updates through feeding them live data from the field.
  2. Compiling and collating all the data feeds generated by those business applications into a “single record of truth” that’s live and extends across your entire operation.

This capability transforms operational efficiency, effectiveness, compliance and safety. At present, most business apps and tools only track the state of operations on a considerable lag.

Even short reporting intervals of 48 hours, for example, still represent two whole days without an overview of what’s happening in the field.

Two whole days in which your key financial, operational and management decision-makers must use educated strategic guesses based on experience and what little live intel filters through.

Data Integration upends that paradigm.

Data Integration brings everything up to the minute and keeps it there. Essentially, you can observe the dynamics of your operations as they play out. You’ll improve responsiveness, efficiency and cost-saving.

reach aero

Add Powerful Data Insights to Your Reach Day of Operations Implementation

For your air fleet, can you access and analyse the crucial data feeds in a straightforward, powerful and reliable way? Sadly, for almost all aviation operators, the answer has been no. The good news: with SkyNet Aviation, the answer can be yes!

With REACH Analytics – a standalone module for our world-leading REACH Day Of Operations platform – SkyNet Aviation can enable a truly holistic data environment for your operations.

Our dedicated in-house team of software and data engineers is here to help you unlock the power of your data. Every modern mid-tier aviation operator is already generating masses of data. Within those thousands of megabytes are invaluable insights for driving your operational efficiency, effectiveness and safety. They’re hard to extract, but they’re there. REACH Analytics is here to help you dig them out.


What Reach Analytics Offers You

There are 8 major aspects of aviation operations under the REACH® Aero Day Of Operations umbrella:

Cut across the silos

Derive insights from a high-resolution 360-degree view of your operations by cutting across any departmental silos to intercept and work from the raw data

Integrated reporting

Secure a “single source of truth” by pulling relevant data from anywhere in your systems, including network drives, cloud accounts, email inboxes, file directories and different user accounts

Simplified analytics

Because REACH Analytics is deeply configurable, we can implement almost any statistical tool you need to crunch down thousands of data points into accurate, clear and powerful metrics

Empowered management

By giving the best possible picture of how your organisation is functioning, REACH Analytics gives your managers the confidence to make better decisions faster

Constantly improving accuracy

Your business is a dynamic system, so when REACH Analytics insights are applied, your business will react, shift and change. This is why our analytical approaches continually adapt to stay maximally relevant

Bringing everyone on board

REACH Analytics can generate tailored reports that are useful, interesting or relevant to line staff, regulators, suppliers, investors and even the public

Data Warehousing

Modern aviation generates a near limitless amount of data. Gigabytes upon gigabytes flow from the aircraft, associated support software, flight operations platforms and the management systems that power the aviation organisation itself. Effectively and efficiently capturing it all and then bringing it together in one accessible, coherent and secure repository is a specialist IT task.

Doing just this, via SkyNet Data Warehousing, is an integral back-end function that powers REACH Day Of Operations. This valuable resource is also now available to REACH users. You can see every digital facet of your operations and be assured everything is tracked, captured and stored securely in an easily accessible form.

Business Intelligence

The REACH Business Analytics module makes your data proactive. Through statistical insights and modelling your data is transformed into an advanced strategic management tool.

The module lets you detect and identify the positive and negative operational dynamics at play in your organisation that are otherwise obscured by the day-to-day task load of simply keeping your fleet in the air safely and profitably.

You can finally reveal the true cause and effect of your profit centres, time delays and bottlenecks, and then track the data trail from its source right through to all downstream effects.

Hybrid Data Fusion

Integrating the Leading Sources of Aircraft Positioning into One Data Stream







reach aero


“We know Flight Data Fusion: we invented it.”

– Jon Davis, Skynet Aviation CEO

API Integrations

Understanding What SkyNet Data Integration Means for Your Business:

Improved Automation

Reduced Manual Data Entry

Improved Operational Oversight

Faster And Better Decision Making

Increased Data Accuracy

In effect, Data Integration covers two aspects:

  1. Automating business applications that currently need manual updates through feeding them live data from the field.
  2. Compiling and collating all the data feeds generated by those business applications into a “single record of truth” that’s live and extends across your entire operation.

This capability transforms operational efficiency, effectiveness, compliance and safety. At present, most business apps and tools only track the state of operations on a considerable lag.

Even short reporting intervals of 48 hours, for example, still represent two whole days without an overview of what’s happening in the field.

Two whole days in which your key financial, operational and management decision-makers must use educated strategic guesses based on experience and what little live intel filters through.

Data Integration upends that paradigm.

Data Integration brings everything up to the minute and keeps it there. Essentially, you can observe the dynamics of your operations as they play out. You’ll improve responsiveness, efficiency and cost-saving.

What Industry Leaders Are Saying

“Aerlink continues to expand our operations, supported by SkyNet Aviation’s REACH Aero. By their nature, our FIFO flight operations cover some very remote areas where communications are challenging and SkyNet Aviation has us covered the whole way with their technical innovations and ADS-B fusion tracking solutions”

– Ann Elliott, CEO of Aerlink

“Skytrans, now part of the Avia Solutions Group, has extended our multi-year relationship with SkyNet Aviation to provide their powerful REACH Aero platform as the foundation of our Integrated Operations Centre (IOC) as we expand. REACH Aero’s powerful integration with ForeFlight / Jeppesen Dispatch and ForeFlight Mobile, will support our expansion into the ACMI jet phase of our growth.”

– Alan Milne, CEO of SkyTrans

SkyNet Aviation Ecosystem

Track Record of Breakthroughs and Proven Success

Tracing its roots back to 2001 and one of the world’s first civilian satellite-based aircraft tracking solutions, REACH Aero Day Of Operations has matured and broadened into a true aviation game-changer. The developer, SkyNet Aviation, is now recognised in the industry for developing strikingly advanced solutions.

For 20 years, we’ve been developing ground-breaking products to improve aviation effectiveness, efficiency, safety and ROI. Today, we are the world’s only technology solutions developer that specialises in a holistic integration of all systems that underpin fleet operations for the mid-tier aviation market.

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Accessing the Aviation Ops Answers

The REACH Aero Day Of Operations ecosystem gives you a truly revolutionary technology solution for unlocking hyper-efficiency through:

It can quickly be configured to do all this in the way that suits your needs, your aircraft, your workforce, your contracts and the missions and routes you fly.

If you’ve tried to achieve this before you know how difficult it is, yet SkyNet has cracked it. We offer a solution that’s tried, tested and already relied on in the real world.

If flight incidents or shifts in your market are pushing you to increase efficiency and improve risk management, REACH Aero Day Of Operations offers the scale, monitoring, reporting and flexibility you need to exceed your current constraints.
If your operations are straining at the limits of what spreadsheets and legacy systems can do, REACH Aero Day Of Operations gives you similar operational power as enjoyed by large airlines, but without the large costs or changeover difficulties.

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